Support Us

Your donation will help with implementation of self-help and mutual aid efforts among our patients. Your support is greatly appreciated. Hong Kong residents who donate $100 or above can apply for tax deduction with our official receipt. (Inland Revenue Department file number: 91/8375) Donation Form: Download here Payment Methods: By cheque Please make the cheque payable to “Hong Kong Mucopolysaccharidoses & Rare Genetic Diseases Mutual Aid Group” or “H K M & R G D Mutual Aid Group” or “H K M AND R G D Mutual Aid Group” Or By direct deposit Bank of East Asia account 015-246-40-426130 or 015-246-10-37986-7. Please mail your cheque or deposit receipt, along with the Donation Form, to our office. You may also email the deposit receipt and form to us at  [email protected]. Or By online donation Online donation will be processed by PayPal,

Donor Acknowledgment

We would like to show appreciation to our donors by acknowledging them here on the website.

We wish everyone much joy and happiness.

Please contact us if there is any error or omission.

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Other Acknowledgement

We would like to show appreciation to the volunteers/organizations by acknowledging them here on the website.

We wish everyone much joy and happiness.

Please contact us if there is any error or omission.

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